Friday, July 29, 2011

A post about Presidents.

Firstly, I think the IRS is campaigning for Ron Paul.

Our 2009 Taxes were audited. Apparently we filled out two forms, but were only supposed to fill out one form, but it doesn't really matter, but then again it does. And we did it all online, guided every step, but it's still our fault. And we owe them a bunch of money.

Ron Paul supports the elimination of the IRS. So yeah.

Also, did you know that Theodore Roosevelt is the only person in history to have been awarded both the highest war honor, and the highest honor for peace? The Medal of Honor, and the Nobel Peace Prize. Yup, awesome. I recently did a report on Theodore Roosevelt, and learned quite a bit, and have a new respect for the 26th president. In fact, I think he's my favorite President.

There's a reason this man's face is carved in the rock on a mountain.

In fact, he probably willed the mountain to his likeness. It wouldn't dare do otherwise.


  1. Umm NO NO NO.....

    Theodore Roosevelt was one of the big progressives that started this retarded movement. Theodore Roosevelt does not believe in private property and also believed in big over reaching bureaucracies with almost unlimited power through their out of control policies. Theodore Roosevelt sought to control private business! Please look a little more into him before you decide he is your favorite. Remember yah he may have received a Nobel Prize, Obama received one as well very early in his president term for no real good reason. I can name more absurd Nobel Prize winners.

  2. I can understand where you are coming from and agree with you to a point, but Roosevelt was the president this country needed at the time that he was elected. Sure, some of the things he did would not fit in now, but the same can be said of both George Washington and Abe Lincoln. I admire him because he brought this country what it needed when it needed it in a time when politics was about making the rich politicians richer. Also, I was going to mention that Obama had received the nobel prize, and that I had lost all faith in the award, but in all honesty, it would be impossible for a medal of honor winner to receive the nobel prize today. I understand that he went progressive later in his life, but some progressivism is a good thing. I believe in Anti Trust and Anti Monopoly laws, which are progressive beliefs. I just absolutely love straight talk, and am encouraged by any politician who can tell it like it is (even liberals, tho those are few and faaaar between.) I do, however, agree that he should not have split off and created his own party, dividing the republican vote and giving the election to Woodrow Wilson (one of the WORST presidents this country has seen) but at the time, I think I would have agreed with Roosevelt, as Taft was not much of a better choice. At the time of his presidency, I think reform was necessary. Workers were treated badly, lived in company created slums in cities, and politics were rife with corruption and greed. This is the problem, progressivism is not a bad thing. Extreme progressivism, like what we are seeing today is bad. They have gone far beyond "moderation". I agree with the creation of National Parks, Landmarks and some conservationaism. Again, it's the extremism that screws up the fun for everyone else. There is no such thing as a perfect president, but I think TR shines, even with his faults.
