Friday, July 29, 2011

A post about Presidents.

Firstly, I think the IRS is campaigning for Ron Paul.

Our 2009 Taxes were audited. Apparently we filled out two forms, but were only supposed to fill out one form, but it doesn't really matter, but then again it does. And we did it all online, guided every step, but it's still our fault. And we owe them a bunch of money.

Ron Paul supports the elimination of the IRS. So yeah.

Also, did you know that Theodore Roosevelt is the only person in history to have been awarded both the highest war honor, and the highest honor for peace? The Medal of Honor, and the Nobel Peace Prize. Yup, awesome. I recently did a report on Theodore Roosevelt, and learned quite a bit, and have a new respect for the 26th president. In fact, I think he's my favorite President.

There's a reason this man's face is carved in the rock on a mountain.

In fact, he probably willed the mountain to his likeness. It wouldn't dare do otherwise.

Friday, July 8, 2011


Haven't updated in a while. I was on strike until Catherine decided to update. Guess she didn't want to, and the blog needed an update. Oh well. I guess I'll just make it MY blog! :) are a few things that have happened since last update:

Catherine's Birthday.
Yay 23! We went to Olive Garden! She's not at Olive Garden in the picture. Just an awesome picture that she will hit me for later. :)

I saw a Lamborghini by the LDS bookstore in Dallas!!
Opposites day! Navarre got Quesadillas and Catherine got Ribs. Weird!!

More Bountiful Baskets!
And a fun picture of Navarre treating a restaurant for pests! Yay!
Yay for posts augmented by pictures!! Yay!